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Markdownd 3 7 – Full Featured Markdown Editor

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A full featured Markdown editor with live preview and syntax highlighting. Supports GitHub flavored Markdown.

See the change log for changes and road map.

Free, open-source, full-featured Markdown editor. Synchronization is one of the biggest features of StackEdit. It enables you to synchronize any file in your workspace with other files stored in your Google Drive, your Dropbox and your GitHub accounts. A full featured Markdown editor with live preview and syntax highlighting. Supports GitHub flavored Markdown. See the change log for changes and road map. Powered by Markdig - the best markdown parser. Editor's Rating Markdown Edit is a full-featured editor for CommonMark documents, which focuses on keyboard shortcuts for ease of use. You can access most program functions via keyboard shortcuts, and the program does not feature elements like a main menu, tabbed windows and status bar. A lightweight markdown editor for Mac/Windows/Linux. A real time Markdown editor for bloggers. It supports multiple platforms, and stands out with it's beautiful design, various features. CuteMarkEd is another good cross platform markdown editor for Windows, and Linux based operating systems. This is a QT-based, open source freeware. The GUI of this markdown editor is divided into 3 parts: Explorer, Editor, and Preview. The Explorer lets you directly access a file, and open it in the Editor window.


  • Powered by Markdig - the best markdown parser
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Live preview window with scroll sync
  • Mermaid chart support
  • CommonMark and GitHub flavored Markdown
  • High-DPI support
  • Drag 'n drop of images supported
  • Paste image from clipboard directly onto document
  • Outlining/folding of code blocks
  • Keyboard shortcuts
  • Light Bulbs
  • Brace completion with type-through
  • Lightning fast
  • Auto-generate HTML files

Syntax highlighting

All fonts can be changed in Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Fonts and Colors dialog.

GitHub and other flavors

Advanced markdown extensions are supported to give more features to the syntax. This includes pipe tables, emoji, mathematics and a lot more.

Live Preview Window

The preview window opens up on the right side of the document when it opens.

Every time the markdown document is modified, the preview window will update.

Any code blocks receives full syntax highlighting in the preview window. Here's an example of JavaScript code rendered.

The preview window is automatically scrolled to match the scroll position of the document. As the document is scrolled up and down, the preview window will follow.

Live preview can be disabled in the settings.

The syntax highlighter is powered by Prism

Custom stylesheets

The preview window supports loading of custom stylesheets. It will look for a file called md-styles.css in the same directory as the currently opened markdown file or any parent directory.

If no md-styles.css file is found it will look for it in %userprofile%. If it still isn't found it will use the built in stylesheet.

To generate a custom stylesheet, simply right-click inside the markdown editor document and select Add Custom Stylesheet...

The name of the custom stylesheet can be changed in the settings.

Drag 'n drop images

Drag an image directly from Solution Explorer onto the document to insert the appropriate markdown that will render the image.

Paste images

This is really helpful for copying images from a browser or for inserting screen shots. Simply copy an image into the clipboard and paste it directly into the document. This will prompt you for a file name relative to the document and then it inserts the appropriate markdown.

It will even parse the file name and make a friendly name to use for the alt text.


Any fenced code and HTML blocks can be collapsed, so that this:

...can be collapsed into this:

Keyboard shortcuts

Ctrl+B makes the selected text bold by wrapping it with **.

Ctrl+I makes the selected text italic by wrapping it with _.

Ctrl+Shift+C wraps the selected text in a code block.

Ctrl+Space checks and unchecks task list items.

Tab increases indentation of list items.

Shift+Tab decreases indentation of list items.

Ctrl+K,C wraps the selection with HTML comments.

Ctrl+K,U removes HTML comments surrounding the selection/caret.

Ctrl+PgUp moves caret to previous heading

Ctrl+PgDown moves caret to next heading

Light Bulbs

The suggested actions shown in light bulbs makes it easier to perform common tasks.

For instance, converting the selected text to a link will result in this:

Auto-generate HTML files

By right-clicking any Markdown file in Solution Explorer, you can turn on automatic generation of a HTML file.

It will wrap the output rendered markdown in a HTML template that looks like this:

You can provide your own HTML template by dropping a file with the name md-template.html in the same or parent folder to the markdown file. Just make sure to include the [title] and [content] tokens in the template.


Control the settings for this extension under Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> Markdown


Markdown 3 7 – Full Featured Markdown Editor Software

Check out the contribution guidelines if you want to contribute to this project.

Markdown 3 7 – Full Featured Markdown Editor Free

For cloning and building this project yourself, make sure to install the Extensibility Tools 2015 extension for Visual Studio which enables some features used by this project.

Markdown 3 7 – full featured markdown editor tutorial


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